...like what you upload. At all.
For example, I took a clean picture of a font similar to Times Roman. I uploaded it per instructions and was treated to returned matches that looked like childrens handwriting, wingdings, and symbols and big blocky letters. None of the search returns look anything like my sample script. Nothing at all.
I dont know what it was doing other than returning a random sampling of random fonts. There seem to be no algorithms running to match the sample font to anything other than the letter that was typed into the box. It doesnt match the "look" of the font, just the letter itself with a variety of fonts.
I deleted the app after giving it a few tries and coming up with the same unusable returns every time.
A font finder app is a great idea. If it worked, I would be willing to pay a buck or two for it. Im always on the look-out for fonts I can use on the web site I manage and publications I create. I hate scrolling endlessly through font sites.
sammi jo waxler about WhatTheFont, v1.1.1